WWW: Some excellent, perceptive analysis; communicated clearly.
EBI: Ensure you save time for the last question, Editing needs to be developed
Mark: 36/48
Learner Response:
The scene uses straight cuts throughout the clip, along with other editing styles to clearly convey the narrative. This is an example of continuity editing as it allows the audience to suture the narrative, and show the clear escalation of drama and tension as the scene progresses. In addition the slow paced editing also increases the tension as it leads up to the final explosion at the end of the clip. the scene also uses slow motion, when the murderer is dropping the match into the flammable fluid. This is done in order to show the character's prestige and finesse, as a ''gangster'' or criminal. It could also make the audience feel uncomfortable as the match is seconds away from causing an explosion. Therefore the slow motion effect increases the emotional impact and adds to the atmosphere which fits in with the suspenseful music. The editing is also effective in terms of sustaining the tension by not revealing the murderers face. There is very few editing when the murderer talks to the man- the eye-line match raises tension as the audience want to know who the killer is. The scene also uses a jump cut to the explosion, to shock the audience and add to the drama. Towards the end there is a slow dissolve into a press conference which could also link to the scene.
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